Greetings, I am Mae Hughes, the owner of 2nd Chances 4 Felons. It is a company I created in order to offer assistance for felons looking for opportunities to better their lives despite having a felony conviction. I know that the BIG "F" will cause some to lose interest in my request. However, my hope is that there are enough people who will give me a chance to open their eyes to the growing need for help from those deserving of a 2nd chance. I would like the opportunity to elaborate more the specifics of my intent for outreach. I thank you graciously for extending your ear and heart to this mission. 
It is my desire to create and build referral relationships with recruiters, companies, employment agencies, and all other entities available for individuals with criminal backgrounds with emphasis on felony convictions. In an effort to connect these individuals with someone of experience in the field of gaining employment, housing, education and any other form of further advancement for those of us with a not so friendly criminal background.  
Please email me if you are interested in developing a Referral Relationship, are a Recruiter, or you offer assistance with Re-Entry Services. I assist felons from all across the country with both non-violent and violent backgrounds. I would like to offer as many options as possible to those who use my services so I am looking to connect, and network with resources and entities that are fighting the recidivism fight with me. If you would like to discuss any of the areas further, please email me at FELONSNEED2WORK2@LIVE.COM with either REFERRAL RELATIONSHIP, RE-ENTRY SERVICES, or RECRUITER in the subject line based on your inquiry. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact me.  
Thank you for taking a moment to review my request and I look forward to hearing from you if there are services that you are able and willing to assist with.